
Release 0.6.0.pre1

Closed this issue · 2 comments

0.6.0-milestone branch prepared for items remaining, to merge in as a group:

  • #164 Actor crashed! Reel::StateError [resolved by #163]: Needs '0.6.0` gem.
  • #153 Reel::Server::HTTPS crashes on "Errno::ECONNRESET" a2cec82
  • #136 ArgumentError: Data object has already been freed a2cec82
  • #124 From switch to if/elsif/else in Server::SSL 5e7a124
  • #109 Maybe implement RequestBody#empty? 1a3061c
  • #123 UNIX Socket support, unless jRuby server. 3bfa4f7

There's a build error taking place after a2cec82, but only under jruby. It's Server::HTTPS related.

All revisions leading to .pre2 and the eventual final release will be brought into #176, especially #180 which is pending jruby/jruby#2750 being resolved by the jruby ninjas.