Celo Governance Call 15
Closed this issue · 4 comments
Celo Governance Call 15
When: January 20th, 2022. 12 PM EDT / 9 AM PST 60 minutes max
Where: Celo Zoom Event (Instructions on joining found in the calendar event below)
Calendar Event: Add to your calendar here
- Update on CGP-47: Airdrop Funding for Optics Bridging Ethereum to Celo
- Discussions on Celo Reserve and 40% Commitment of Natural-Backed Assets to the Reserve
Please post all relevant proposals below that should be discussed and evaluated
@YazzyYaz , adding here as you suggested. Cheers.
What’s the timeline for making the multi-sig public and what approach has been aligned on? Forum post: Alternatives to the 3 of 9 multi-sig for CGP approval
What’s the timeline/roadmap for removing the recovery multi-sig from Optics? Celo Forum Post: Optics v2 is live
What’s the roadmap for adding new stables? Where can one find a list of what currencies we plan to do in what order? Celo Forum Post: Adding CHF and schedule for other cStables
40% natural asset reserves. Is there a specific proposal beyond the general natural capital forum post?
Will post call notes after watching the video. Missed last 15 min due to a slack convo
Thanks @willkraft!
Here's the video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tj3EjSmLBKM
Hi all, see notes from the call here: Celo Governance Call #15_2022.01.20.pdf