
A Semantic Annotation Tool

Primary LanguageJava


A Semantic Annotation Tool

Last Download : https://github.com/celsowm/AutoMeta/releases/download/v0.4a/AutoMeta_0.4a.rar (Jun 2014)

AutĂ´Meta (automatic meta data annotation) is an environment for semi-automatic (or automatic) annotation and meta-annotation of documents for publishing on the Web using RDFa, a W3C recommended annotation language. It also includes a RDFa extraction tool to provide the user with a view of the annotated triples. It is available in both CLI (Command Line Interface) and GUI (Graphical User Interface) interfaces.

see more https://github.com/celsowm/AutoMeta#autometa | contact : celsowm at gmail dot com

GUI mode (windows, linux, ios)

CLI mode

java AutoMeta2.jar with parameters:

-ontology: to indicate the full path and name of the ontology in RDF, OWL or N-TRIPLE;

-documentpath: to indicate the directory where you have a set of input documents;

-document: the name of a document that will contain the target annotation. .

-outputpath: the directory where is (are) stored (s) number (s) document (s) annotated (s);

-reasoning (optional): refers to the use of the reasoner (on by default "true") or just the regular ontology parser (value "false").

-exhaustive (optional): annotate all occurrences of a term (true) or only one (false)

-reasoner (optional): pellet or hermit

Example: java -Xms1g -jar Autometa2.jar -ontology "c:\ontololy.owl" -documentpath "c:\txts" -outpath "c:\rdfas"