FusionAuth PHP Client
If you're integrating FusionAuth with a PHP application, this library will speed up your development time.
For additional information and documentation on FusionAuth refer to https://fusionauth.io.
Example Usage
Install the Code
To use the client library on your project simply copy the PHP source files from the src
directory to your project or the following
Composer package.
composer require fusionauth/fusionauth-client
Include composer autoloader
require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';
Create the Client
$apiKey = "5a826da2-1e3a-49df-85ba-cd88575e4e9d";
$client = new FusionAuth\FusionAuthClient($apiKey, "http://localhost:9011");
Login a user
$applicationId = "68364852-7a38-4e15-8c48-394eceafa601";
$request = array();
$request["applicationId"] = $applicationId;
$request["loginId"] = "joe@fusionauth.io";
$request["password"] = "abc123";
$result = $client->login($request);
if (!$result->wasSuccessful()) {
// Error
// Hooray! Success
Questions and support
If you have a question or support issue regarding this client library, we'd love to hear from you.
If you have a paid edition with support included, please open a ticket in your account portal. Learn more about paid editions here.
Otherwise, please post your question in the community forum.
Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/FusionAuth/fusionauth-php-client.
This code is available as open source under the terms of the Apache v2.0 License.