
Scene Breaks

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Linked with and depends on #9.


Consider whether an explicit scene break would make sense. Internally this could be stored as a simple h6 heading with a specific text (such as ###### [scene break]). In the text area, the scene break could then be displayed via a horizontal line cutting through the entire text area, or one of the more common manuscript formats for scene breaks like triple hashes (# # #).


  • A horizontal line might disrupt the text flow too much, especially if it's more visible than a chapter break. The line might instead have a smaller fixed width, not much wider than the three hashes.
  • If three hashes are displayed in the text area, it does not make sense to implement special behaviour for this. Users could instead just use a heading of their choice and type the three hashes manually.

This is a good feature, particularly because it can be a bit of a hassle to activate the correct heading and type the scene breaks out manually and because the styling for heading 6 (or whichever heading is used) may make those hashes not pretty to look at.

Also, implementing this feature would allow the Scene/Chapter Overview to show scene breaks in a special way.

Implemented in 0d06fc1.