
Text analysis

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This proposal involves a text analysis mode that, when turned on, analyzes the document for possible problems.


Depending on the type of problem and the range of text it addresses, the problem could either be described by interjecting text in a different color or by adding text in the margins, also in a different color. The corresponding text should also be highlighted (for instance by using yellow squigglies).

Note that this analysis mode should by no means be on by default. It must be specifically turned on by the user and does not carry over to subsequent launches, as it would otherwise violate the minimalism principle.

Possible problems

Document structure

  • Monotone sentence structure (multiple sentences in a row with the same length)
  • Confusing sentences (sentence is too long or contains too many parantheses)
  • Walls of text (paragraph is too long)


  • Possible grammatical mistakes (could be difficult to implement as it would require a detailed grammar engine on a per-language basis; perhaps interfacing with the API of an online grammar engine could work?)


Spelling mistakes are not a part of this proposal as these would instead be highlighted by the spellcheck feature, which is on by default.