Zipkin exporter is missing bytes sent and received in message events
alexamies opened this issue · 2 comments
Describe the bug
The trace.MessageEvent struct has a field for UncompressedByteSize:
but those are not included in the Zipkin exporter
To Reproduce
Need PR #1129 (#1129)
Steps to reproduce the behavior:
Run the Go HTTP integration example -
Go to Zipkin
http://localhost:9411/zipkin/ -
Click on a span.
As per the screenshot, all that is shown is 'SENT' or 'RECV'
Expected behavior
The number of bytes sent and received.
Additional context
These should be included and it is very important in determining why one trace might be taking longer than another trace. I submit a PR to fix the issue.
zipkin exporter has its own repo now. So opened it there. census-ecosystem/opencensus-go-exporter-zipkin#6
Addressed by PR here