
ochttp: Custom tags

mlesar opened this issue · 0 comments

Currently, I can only use these:

// The following tags are applied to stats recorded by this package. Host, Path
// and Method are applied to all measures. StatusCode is not applied to
// ClientRequestCount or ServerRequestCount, since it is recorded before the status is known.
var (
// Host is the value of the HTTP Host header.
// The value of this tag can be controlled by the HTTP client, so you need
// to watch out for potentially generating high-cardinality labels in your
// metrics backend if you use this tag in views.
Host = tag.MustNewKey("http.host")
// StatusCode is the numeric HTTP response status code,
// or "error" if a transport error occurred and no status code was read.
StatusCode = tag.MustNewKey("http.status")
// Path is the URL path (not including query string) in the request.
// The value of this tag can be controlled by the HTTP client, so you need
// to watch out for potentially generating high-cardinality labels in your
// metrics backend if you use this tag in views.
Path = tag.MustNewKey("http.path")
// Method is the HTTP method of the request, capitalized (GET, POST, etc.).
Method = tag.MustNewKey("http.method")
// KeyServerRoute is a low cardinality string representing the logical
// handler of the request. This is usually the pattern registered on the a
// ServeMux (or similar string).
KeyServerRoute = tag.MustNewKey("http_server_route")

So, is there a way to add custom ones in some way as SetRoute is doing this?