
Exporter Ocagent not propagating serviceName

drubin opened this issue · 1 comments

Sorry if this is the wrong place to report this. I might also be using this incorrectly I couldn't find much documentation on how to use this with opencensus agent/collector.

What version of OpenCensus are you using?

"@opencensus/exporter-ocagent": "0.0.15",
"@opencensus/nodejs": "0.0.15",

Docker version omnition/opencensus-collector:0.1.9

What version of Node are you using?


What did you do?

I am trying to get my node application to that is instrumented with open census via the proxy to multiple services.


const tracing = require('@opencensus/nodejs')
const ocagent = require('@opencensus/exporter-ocagent')
const exporter = new ocagent.OCAgentExporter({
  serviceName: 'api',
  host: 'opencensus-collector',
  port: 55678,
  logger: console
  // ... configuration options ...


Config for opencensus-collector

    address: ":55678"

    collector_endpoint: "http://jaeger:14268/api/traces"
    write_key: "na"
    dataset_name: "dataset-node-js"

Trying to export the service name via a collector agent to either jaeger and honeycomb.

What did you expect to see?

The trace data does appear in both honeycomb and jeager but the serviceName doesn't seem to be passed through

I expect the service name to be api but instead, the service is listed as OpenCensus and in honeycomb, the serviceName doesn't even exist. Does this come from the collector (i.e opencensus-collector) or is it not being passed upstream

What did you see instead?

I expect the service's name to be api in both Jeager and Honeycomb.

Additional context

Sorry if this is a bug that belongs in the collector if so, i can move it over there once I know the cause is actually in the collector.

Seems this is actually an issue in the agent/collector.

census-instrumentation/opencensus-service#551 (comment)

Just sharing this the links for future reference.