Create Broadcaster (and control) and Broadcast receiver for MatsFactories to get information about queue sizes etc.
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When the MatsBrokerMonitor has gotten a full view over the Broker's queues and DLQs, it can broadcast this over the Mats fabric. The different services employing Mats may then install the broadcast receiver to get this information (which is not available via ordinary JMS) and incorporate it into its MatsFactory (based on the queues/topics of its Endpoints).
This enables HealthCheck-style functionality out on the services, instead of it being centralized on the broker or MatsBrokerMonitor - i.e. a service can itself warn that there are many messages on queue, or that the head message is old, or that there are DLQs.
In addition, it would be good if the service could request a forced update back, by submitting a message back to the broadcaster, which then again asks the MatsBrokerMonitor to do the forcedUpdate.
.. this can be extended (as have been the plan..!) to let the "Receiver" part fully implement the MatsBrokerMonitor interface. Further, this idea can be extended to let the services have the full MatsBrokerMonitor GUI, so that one can do view queues and messages, and reissue/delete messages, out on the services.