XCM Support
Closed this issue · 1 comments
mustermeiszer commented
Currently the library does not support XCM transfers. The reasons for the missing capabilities is, that it would essentially require a "correct" interaction between relay-chain and parachain. The current approach is rather force-setting the head of the parachain on the relay-chain side to the latest known head retrieved from the parachain.
- Wait for #13 to be closed / or implement a hack that xcm messages are inserted into the correct quees and taken from the correct queues (probably evenly hard...)
- Implement an actual storage for messages on the builder side
- Inject those xcm messages into the queues on the respective chain side-state (xcm messages are not as extriniscs, and one can not assume that xcm-pallet is available, but parachain-system MUST be available so use these quees directly)
mustermeiszer commented