
Issues when running `npm run dev`

Opened this issue · 2 comments

When running npm run dev the following error shows up instead of starting the actual Ceramic stack.

> demo@0.1.0 dev
> node scripts/run.mjs

⠸ [Ceramic] Starting Ceramic node
> demo@0.1.0 ceramic
> CERAMIC_ENABLE_EXPERIMENTAL_COMPOSE_DB='true' npx ceramic daemon --config ./composedb.config.json

✖ [Ceramic] Ceramic node failed to start with error:
✖ [Ceramic] npm

This is likely due to the script expecting ceramic to be exposed globally.

@0xjjpa, a couple questions:

  • Is this the whole error? Or was there something else after ✖ [Ceramic] npm?
  • What's the node version on your system? Does node -v show v20.x?
  • What operating system do you use?

Also, did npm add -g @ceramicnetwork/cli solve the problem completely?