
Bug report template is broken

codeguru42 opened this issue · 0 comments

This issue is a (choose one):

  • Problem/bug report.
  • Feature request.
  • Request for support. Note: Please try to avoid submitting issues for support requests. Use Gitter instead.

Checklist before submitting:

  • I've searched for an existing issue.
  • I've asked my question on Gitter and have not received a satisfactory answer.
  • I've included a complete bug report template. This step helps us and allows us to see the bug without trying to reproduce the problem from your description. It helps you because you will frequently detect if it's a problem specific to your project.
  • The feature I'm asking for is compliant with the JSON:API spec.


Repro recipe:

  1. Copy https://github.com/cerebris/jsonapi-resources/blob/master/lib/bug_report_templates/rails_5_master.rb to a local directory.
  2. Run ruby rails_5_master.rb
  • The bug report template attempts to install activerecord-jdbcsqlite3-adapter from a branch named rails-5 which no longer exists in that project.