
Class caching is too aggressive in dev

Closed this issue · 1 comments

This issue is a (choose one):

  • Problem/bug report.
  • Feature request.
  • Request for support. Note: Please try to avoid submitting issues for support requests. Use Gitter instead.

Checklist before submitting:

  • I've searched for an existing issue.
  • I've asked my question on Gitter and have not received a satisfactory answer.
  • I've included a complete bug report template. This step helps us and allows us to see the bug without trying to reproduce the problem from your description. It helps you because you will frequently detect if it's a problem specific to your project.
  • The feature I'm asking for is compliant with the JSON:API spec.


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Bug reports:

I'm using the v0-11-dev branch, and recently upgraded from commit 1bdacf1 to 311b1fe. If I start the server I can make a request for a resource just fine, but if I modify any resource I get empty results returned until I restart my dev server. I stepped through the commits on the v0-11-dev branch between the range above and narrowed it down to 2668b6b that seems to have introduced the bug. The resource queries after making code changes have a AND (TRUE=FALSE) condition appended to them which causes nothing to be returned.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Start dev server.
    • Note, I have eager_load = false, cache_classes = false in development.rb, but do separately eager load my models if that might make a difference.
  2. Request a resource index, in my case "users"
    • I see queries like this: User Count (0.5ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "users"
  3. Make any change to a resource, even an unrelated one. In my case, I removed the updated_at field from the list of fields
  4. Make the same request from step 2 again
    • I now see queries like this: User Count (0.2ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "users" WHERE (TRUE=FALSE)

UPDATE Feb 7, 2024

The WHERE (TRUE=FALSE) bit isn't specifically coming from jsonapi-resources, but is coming from CanCanCan, it's their default scope if no rules apply and you use accessible_by which I am using, and no rules apply due to class caching (more on that below).

The underlying problem is that the new class caching introduced in 2668b6b doesn't get reset when Rails reloads your application. I believe this is because JSONAPI::Resource doesn't live within the app, so modifications to the app code don't get picked up. So if you make a change to your app, then the following is true:

  • YourModelResource returns the new code (since it lives within the app)
  • YourModelResource.resource_klass_for returns the new code (again, it was reloaded)
  • JSONAPI::Resource.resource_klass_for returns the old code because it wasn't reloaded. Aside from the problems with CanCanCan I ran into, this also means that changes to resources don't get picked up without restarting your server.

Here's the bug report template that reproduces this issue. Warning, it will write to ./app/resources/your_model_resource.rb because the file needs to be there so the autoloader can reload it.

# ensure the resource exists in the "unedited state"
MY_RESOURCE_FILE_PATH = File.dirname(__FILE__)
puts "creating resource file in #{MY_RESOURCE_FILE_PATH}"
`mkdir -p #{MY_RESOURCE_FILE_PATH}/app/resources`
`echo 'class YourModelResource < JSONAPI::Resource; attribute :name; end' > #{MY_RESOURCE_FILE_PATH}/app/resources/your_model_resource.rb`

  require 'bundler/inline'
  require 'bundler'
rescue LoadError => e
  STDERR.puts 'Bundler version 1.10 or later is required. Please update your Bundler'
  raise e

gemfile(true, ui: ENV['SILENT'] ? Bundler::UI::Silent.new : Bundler::UI::Shell.new) do
  source 'https://rubygems.org'

  gem 'rails', require: false
  gem 'sqlite3', platform: :mri

    puts "installing jsonapi-resources @ #{ENV['JSONAPI_RESOURCES_PATH']}"
    gem 'jsonapi-resources', path: ENV['JSONAPI_RESOURCES_PATH'], require: false
  elsif ENV['BEFORE_BUG']
    puts "installing jsonapi-resources @ 0bbbc0bc9d3dbe547fc9a7e34aab2185d0cef682"
    gem 'jsonapi-resources', git: 'https://github.com/cerebris/jsonapi-resources', ref: '0bbbc0bc9d3dbe547fc9a7e34aab2185d0cef682', require: false
    puts "installing jsonapi-resources @ v0-11-dev"
    gem 'jsonapi-resources', git: 'https://github.com/cerebris/jsonapi-resources', branch: 'v0-11-dev', require: false


# prepare active_record database
require 'active_record'

class NullLogger < Logger
  def initialize(*_args)

  def add(*_args, &_block)

ActiveRecord::Base.establish_connection(adapter: 'sqlite3', database: ':memory:')
ActiveRecord::Base.logger = ENV['SILENT'] ? NullLogger.new : Logger.new(STDOUT)
ActiveRecord::Migration.verbose = !ENV['SILENT']

ActiveRecord::Schema.define do
  # Add your schema here
  create_table :your_models, force: true do |t|
    t.string :name

class YourModel < ActiveRecord::Base

# prepare rails app
require 'action_controller/railtie'
# require 'action_view/railtie'
require 'jsonapi-resources'

class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base

# prepare jsonapi resources and controllers
class YourModelsController < ApplicationController
  include JSONAPI::ActsAsResourceController

class TestApp < Rails::Application
  config.root = File.dirname(__FILE__)
  config.logger = ENV['SILENT'] ? NullLogger.new : Logger.new(STDOUT)
  Rails.logger = config.logger

  secrets.secret_token = 'secret_token'
  secrets.secret_key_base = 'secret_key_base'

  config.cache_classes = false
  config.eager_load = false
  config.hosts = ["example.org"]

# initialize app

JSONAPI.configure do |config|
  config.json_key_format = :underscored_key
  config.route_format = :underscored_key

# draw routes
Rails.application.routes.draw do
  jsonapi_resources :your_models, only: [:index, :create]

# prepare tests
require 'minitest/autorun'
require 'rack/test'

# Replace this with the code necessary to make your test fail.
class BugTest < Minitest::Test

  def test_resource_klass_cache_refreshes
      "Expected resource to be returned from resource_klass_for"
      %i[id name],
      "Expected YourModelResource definition to be reset to default fields"
      %i[id name],
      "Expected JSONAPI::Resource.resource_klass_for definition to be reset to default fields"

    # "update" the resource class to make `display_name` the new `name` attribute
    `echo 'class YourModelResource < JSONAPI::Resource; attribute :display_name, delegate: :name; end' > #{Rails.root}/app/resources/your_model_resource.rb`

      %i[id display_name],
      "Expected YourModelResource definition to be reloaded"

      %i[id display_name],
      "Expected JSONAPI::Resource.resource_klass_for definition to be reloaded"
      "Expected updated resource to be returned from resource_klass_for after reload"

Run BEFORE_BUG=true ruby test_template.rb to see it pass
Run ruby test_template.rb to see it fail against v0-11-dev

Fixed with #1448