
Aliased Attribute Names Are Not Used In Error Responses

MikeWhittemoreOntra opened this issue · 0 comments

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  • [ X] I've searched for an existing issue.
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I have a model with an attribute named status_is_active. In the API we want this to render as active so do the following in the resource:

attribute :active, delegate: :status_is_active

If there is an API error related to this attribute, the error reports the name from the model rather than the name from the resource. For example:

  "errors": [
      "title": "is not included in the list",
      "detail": "status_is_active - is not included in the list",
      "code": "100",
      "source": {
          "pointer": "/data/attributes/status_is_active"
      "status": "422"

Expected: the error uses the name of the attribute in the resource rather than the name used in the model. For example:

  "errors": [
      "title": "is not included in the list",
      "detail": "active - is not included in the list",
      "code": "100",
      "source": {
          "pointer": "/data/attributes/active"
      "status": "422"

Rationale: users of the API only know about what's in the API - returning a value from the model that is aliased in the API is confusing/wrong.
