ENH: Add Cooling Degree Days (CDDCold{xx})
bzah opened this issue · 1 comments
bzah commented
- icclim version: 5.2
- Python version: n/a
Add Cooling degree days index.
fr: Degrés-jours de climatisation (Cumul sur la période des dépassements du seuil de > 18°C par la température qt moyenne)
en: Cooling Degree Days (Tmean > {TT}C)
In xclim it exists on xclim.atmos.cooling_degree_days
Also, the xclim's standard_name is different from the clix-meta standard name:
- xclim: "integral_of_air_temperature_excess_wrt_time"
- clix-meta: "integral_wrt_time_of_air_temperature_excess"
According to cf, clix-meta is right. So we should also open a cross issue on xclim for that (or just a small pr).
edit: Actually xclim uses the alias version of the standard name, I missed it due to cf search not looking for aliases but it should be fixed by cf-convention/cf-convention.github.io#218