
Different fts3 uid for the fts3-server, fts-monitoring and fts-rest docker images

Opened this issue · 1 comments

Hi all,

I have configured an fts3 instance (v3.11.0) using docker compose with the following docker images/containers:

CONTAINER ID   IMAGE                                                COMMAND                  CREATED          STATUS                     PORTS                                       NAMES
16622c2fd4fb   "/scripts/startup-ft…"   10 minutes ago   Up 10 minutes    >8449/tcp, :::8449->8449/tcp   arendina-fts3-fts-mon-1
682721f923c1         "/scripts/startup-ft…"   10 minutes ago   Up 10 minutes    >8446/tcp, :::8446->8446/tcp   arendina-fts3-fts-rest-1
ef5e9f3908cb             "/scripts/startup-ft…"   10 minutes ago   Up 10 minutes              2170/tcp                                    arendina-fts3-fts-server-1
06c96e18b270   alpine                                               "sh -c ' apk add --n…"   10 minutes ago   Exited (0) 8 minutes ago                                               arendina-fts3-init-db-1
e40216d8bdfc   mysql:5                                              "docker-entrypoint.s…"   10 minutes ago   Up 10 minutes              3306/tcp, 33060/tcp                         arendina-fts3-ftsdb-1
b19f249a04eb   indigoiam/egi-trustanchors                           "/bin/sh -c ' yum in…"   10 minutes ago   Exited (0) 8 minutes ago                                               arendina-fts3-trust-1

I have noticed that the fts3 uid is different form the fts3-server to the other two containers as shown below:

# docker compose exec fts-server bash
# id fts3
uid=999(fts3) gid=997(fts3) groups=997(fts3)

# docker compose exec fts-rest bash
# id fts3
uid=1000(fts3) gid=1000(fts3) groups=1000(fts3)

# docker compose exec fts-mon bash
# id fts3
uid=1000(fts3) gid=1000(fts3) groups=1000(fts3)

This configuration could be the reason of permissions issues or errors.
Is this behaviour expected or is it modified in any other fts3 releases?

It seems that this is solved in the v3.12.0, but the last version of the fts-rest is the 3.11.1 and the fts3 uid is still 1000:

#  docker run --rm --entrypoint id fts3
uid=999(fts3) gid=997(fts3) groups=997(fts3)
#  docker run --rm --entrypoint id fts3
uid=999(fts3) gid=997(fts3) groups=997(fts3),48(apache)
#  docker run --rm --entrypoint id fts3
uid=1000(fts3) gid=1000(fts3) groups=1000(fts3)

Maybe, is it enough to wait the 3.12.0 release of the fts-rest image?

Sorry if I made any mistakes or I was not clear and, please, feel free to move this issue if needed.

Thank you very much!

Hi all,

are there any news about this issue?
Please, let me know if I have to move it in an other place.
