
Replace Poetry with Alternative Dependency Pinning Tool

bmw opened this issue · 3 comments

bmw commented

We have poetry pinned back at

# If poetry>=1.3.0 is selected, multiple versions of virtualenv are selected
# causing problems when exporting dependencies so let's pin poetry back until
# https://github.com/python-poetry/poetry-plugin-export/issues/168 is resolved.
poetry = "<1.3.0"

This is to work around python-poetry/poetry-plugin-export#183.

I think we either need to ensure this gets fixed or stop using poetry (and find another way to pin dependencies across various systems as described in https://github.com/certbot/certbot/blob/9d8eb6ccfd513cf2bfd0c0920c9eb006ad536f4f/tools/pinning/DESIGN.md). If we don't do either, our dependency pinning system will almost certainly break eventually.