
need huawei dns

xiaoyi510 opened this issue · 1 comments

The Certbot team currently does not accept third party DNS plugins into their repository, let alone they'll code one from scratch.

The only ACME client out there capable of using Huawei Cloud DNS, as far as I can tell, is acme.sh: https://github.com/acmesh-official/acme.sh/wiki/dnsapi2#dns_huaweicloud.

If you want/need to keep using Certbot (instead of switching to acme.sh; note that acme.sh defaults to ZeroSSL instead of Let's Encrypt), it shouldn't be too hard to rewrite the acme.sh code for Huawei Cloud DNS at https://github.com/acmesh-official/acme.sh/blob/master/dnsapi/dns_huaweicloud.sh to work with Certbot using the --manual-auth-hook option (and of course the --manual-cleanup-hook to remove the TXT RR after usage).

If you require further assistance, you might be able to get help at the Let's Encrypt Community, although e.g. helping you with adapting the acme.sh code for Certbot might be difficult for the volunteers if they don't have access to a Huawei Cloud DNS account.. So please keep that in mind 🙂