
Class Goals

crichID opened this issue · 107 comments

Please tell us one thing you would like to learn in today's class!

Interesting lessons and tips for basic using on github....learning with certify and translating into spanish. See more at my repository

I'd like to learn how to use Github to work across remote teams.

I want to learn how do push and pull requests to a repository using the windows command line

I want to learn how to manage my code in GitHub through a Windows desktop interface

Looking to use GitHub for database development projects.

Automated testing

I want to learn how to use GitHub to collaborate on a project with my friend. And I use Google translate to translate these lessons into Indonesian.

I would like to collaborate efficiently in github

Kyche commented

Would be nice to find something interesting I missed learning GitHub the first time around.

this is good

i have used git a little, but i had some problems with keys, so i stopped using it.

this course looks good. i hope to refresh what i have forgotten.


i am trying the next step. it says to click on the bios folder.

i can no find any bios folder at: https://github.com/rtayek/github-for-developers-7 (i have poor vision)


@rtayek you can create the bios folder when you create your file by adding bios/ at the beginning of the file name!

i skipped a step, sorry.

i am stuck on step 4: How to edit a file on GitHub

how do i find the file from: https://github.com/rtayek/github-for-developers-7?

i can click on the pull requests and click on mine.

but where do i see the file?


oh, i see it under my branch.

ok, i need a partner now.

any volunteers out there?


Just looking for a little more familiarity with GitHub.

  • Looking to learn git little more

I'm looking to go beyond basics of git and github.

I am expecting to learn some advanced features that I might not know.

I would love to get to know how git and github relate. I am confused about this

bashu commented

who is john galt?

I've been using GitHub for a little while now but haven't delved into more advanced features - I'd love to learn a bit more of the advanced fun 😸

Getting to know Git.

To learn

I want to check my knowledge about GitHub and Git.

Get familiar with github

I wish to understand GitHub and Git

I'd like to learn how to use Github to working with open-source projects.

I'm a bit familiar with GitHub, looking forward to expand my knowledge and skills :)

I want to learn about push and pull requests.

sync between all branches

Want to gain better understanding on using Git and to use GitHub for version control and repository for my projects

Collaborating and using git efficiently.

Learn github

Learn to branch/merge system perfectly

Some commands rare but useful?

Was hoping to learn more on how to work with remote repos (like those on Github) purely from the command line, but I guess that's a bit advanced for the scope of the Wheelhouse course.

Hey @KrishnaRSampath this is just the first course on the platform, so there will absolutely be more advanced content available over time!

@PeterBell That's awesome, and I'll keep my eyes peeled. I did learn some cool stuff and very much enjoyed the format. I'm completing all the assignments now. (Also, it clued me into some GH-specific things as well).

Awesome @KrishnaRSampath - glad you're enjoying!

I'd like to start exploring GitHub tools!

test my knowledge

I'd like to have a better baseline understanding of GitHub.

I want to be able to learn about and how to exploit Github's code-management capabilities.

To learn the commands and the explore more of Github.

I want to learn how to use Git basics to upload files for easy reference.

I want to figure out how GitHub works and check if I can use it to practice PHP ans javaScript

In particular, I'd like to learn about branches. Generally, I'd like to get better at using git and Github.

sweth commented

I'd like to figure out how long the class is and how much of a time commitment it will probably be.

I am expecting to be familiar with all features of github from this course.

Learn what Wheelhouse is

Branch my knowledge in Github with multiple possibilities

I want to learn everything about gitHub and git . enough to able to use it efficiently

I want to become proficient with Git and github

I want to git git git

Effectively use github.

i still need a partner for step 6.

any volunteers out there?


To be able to use GitHub and Git more efficiently.

Use Github efficiently

Learn how to use Github properly

Automated testing and advanced topics.

I'd like to gain a better understanding of how to organize and REorganize repos.

bpr commented

I'd like to become more adept at contributing to OSS projects, and to use Github to better manage my own projects.

Hi, I want learn how to use Github

anybody got a good .gitignore for android/gradle/java/eclipse?


Is any web browser implemented solution for git? Problem is that I have windows machine with limited connectivity (corporate security and similar sh...).
P.S. this comment is also task 1.

I am trying to learn how to do pull requests.

Get intro'd to collaboration aspects of github

step 7. i clicked on fork. but nothing seems to have happened.

how do we tell if we forked?

I want to know how to use Git effectively and to it's full potential.

Get the basics of GitHub clear so that I can collaborate with a friend on an app.

Improve my skills with github

how to add things to repository, use pull requests, all the basics

i'm still forked. how do we tell if it worked?


How to contribute to other projects using forks and pull requests.

I’d like to get to know Git and GitHub better and learn some tips and tricks. (So far, so good)

My goal is to learn Git and GitHub basics so I can work on projects with others, and also have it on my resume.

Looking to learn more about using GitHub.

Hopefully enough to wrap my head on the basic workflow of git.

Would like to learn more about merge conflicts and best practice for team based work

Get familiar with Git and GitHub.

I hope to learn about pull requests and solving issues.

sum98 commented

I want to learn how to effectively use Github as Code Management and Bug tracking system.

I am hoping to learn a primary use and productive usage for github and how I can personally use it to innovate into my own life according to necessities and uses in which it is resourceful besides a drive to save code.

I would like to gain Knowledge on how to start using git hub for collaboration projects

I want to learn how to use Github and Git so I can contribute to other projects.

Utvikle meg personlig og bruke Github

Explore GitHub workflow.

I'll be using Github to share projects with the community at large so this will be a great way to learn Github.

I will learn how to integrate GitHub into my professional life^^. Can't imagine doing open source development without it.

I will like to learn the usage of github repositories implemented on CI.

I will like to try out GitHub's online learning platform and learn more on how GitHub plans to implement such a training course in the future.

I will like to use Git for development.

I am interested in learning the in's and out's of version control so I can become a better developer.

integrate github into my work

Hopefully I'll learn something I didn't already by basically using Github for a couple years... perhaps a bit more about Travis CI.