能不能靠谱点?换了2个包都不能直接顺利docker-compose build & up,不是这个错误就、是那个错误,没测试过吗?最新的commit,up后有 ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'abuse_finder'错误
flash-kk opened this issue · 2 comments
flash-kk commented
能不能靠谱点?换了2个包都不能直接顺利docker-compose build & up,不是这个错误就、是那个错误,没测试过吗?最新的commit,up后有 ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'abuse_finder'错误
Augustin-FL commented
The docker build is working well.
is a library made by @certsocietegenerale : https://github.com/certsocietegenerale/abuse_finder.git
This module is present in requirements.txt of a fir module...And requirements are being installed when building the Dockerfile.
One possibility: you performed your docker-compose build
without proper access to the internet ? If so, please retry in a non-isolated environment.
certsocietegenerale commented
Can we close this issue?