
A simple help desk web system.

Primary LanguageTypeScript



This repository contains two folders with separate NodeJS applications: a NestJS REST API and a NextJS app. Additionally, there is a Docker Compose file to easily run both applications together in a containerized environment.

Folder Structure

  • server/: Contains the NestJS REST API.
  • client/: Contains the NextJS application.
  • compose.yml: Docker Compose configuration file to orchestrate the containers (client and server).

Getting Started


Before you can run the applications using Docker Compose, make sure you have the following software installed:

Running the Applications

Building images from source code.

First go to the "server" folder and rename the file ".env.example" to ".env". Then, execture this command:

docker compose -f compose.yaml up -d --build

This command will build and start the NestJS REST API and NextJS app in separate containers, exposing them on the specified ports, run a mongodb instance and seed the db.

Access the applications in your web browser:

You can use this connection string to connect to the db using MongoDB Compass: "mongodb://admin:password@"

Then you can sign in with a any user in the database with the password: "password123456"

To stop the containers and remove the volume and images, run:

docker compose -f .\compose.yaml down --volumes