
Gradle Kotlin-DSL has double quotes and parenthesis

jmfayard opened this issue · 7 comments

Can you add an option --format=[kotlin|groovy] to generate the dependency information compatible with build.gradle for groovy and build.gradle.kts for kotlin?

Ideally calling with no format argument should use the previous value

--format=kotlin would be like this:

dependencies {

it doesn't work without () anymore?


  • in kotlin build.gradle.kts, it doesn't work without () (implementation is a normal extension method)
  • in kotlin build.gradle.kts, it doesn't work with simple quotes (like in java)
  • in groovy build.gradle, implementation("com.squareup.picaso:picaso:2.5.2")` with parenthesis and double quotes is actually an accepted syntax.

So actually, instead of having an option --format=kotlin|groovy, we could just change the dependency format to implementation("com.squareup.picaso:picaso:2.5.2") and be compatible with both!


@cesarferreira would you be interested by a pull-request where I change the output so that it works both in a build.gradle and a build.gradle.kts file?

dependencies {
-  implementation 'com.squareup.picaso:picaso:2.5.2'
+  implementation("com.squareup.picaso:picaso:2.5.2")

Yes please @jmfayard

@cesarferreira done! The first line of ruby I ever wrote, hopefully not wrong :)

It works, thanks for the PR