
Simple Stock Management Api

Primary LanguageJava

Read Me First

This project uses docker postgres image to run database (PostgreSql)

To run this project, there is two options:

  • Use provided docker compose file to run database
    • Go to project directory, run 'docker compose up' command at terminal
  • Use your own postgres database
    • Edit application.properties file to connect your database

After running database,

  • you can either press start button at your ide,
  • or run './mvnw spring-boot:run' command at project directory

About Project:

  • Authentication => Spring Security and Json Web Token
  • ORM => JPA Repository
  • Database => Postgres

There are two type of users at the api:

  • Admin => Can list, add, update, delete items
  • User => Can list items and Can list, add, update, delete stocks

When Registering a user,

  • To Register an Admin => you could add 'admin' as role
  • To Register as User => you dont have to add any roles