
Rotation server drops significantly when new round starts

cetteup opened this issue · 0 comments

Despite the weighted average changes implemented to address #115, the changes fixing #116 cause significant rotation server score drops at the start of a new round.

On vehicle servers, it is not uncommon for players to have 0 score/kills/deaths for several minutes as the round starts - especially after a map change. Consider the following scenario (server weight is 1.0):

Time Active Players Scores Rolling avg
t 60 60 60 60 60
t+5 0 60 60 0 40
t+10 30 60 0 30 30
t+15 55 0 30 55 28.3
t+20 60 30 55 60 48.3

Not only does the server score drop by half because many players are considered "inactive" at the start of the new round at t+5. The score also takes a while to recover. It may make more sense to only factor in active players to some degree, e.g. make them account for 10% of the score. The scenario looks much less drastic which such an approach:

Time Human Players Active Players Scores Rolling avg
t 60 60 60 60 60 60
t+5 50 0 60 60 45 55
t+10 55 30 60 45 52.5 52.5
t+15 60 55 45 52.5 59.5 52.3
t+20 60 60 52.5 59.5 60 57.3

The score drop is much less significant and recovers faster.