
/var/www is empty

Opened this issue · 2 comments

I tried running cezerin on docker but it failed with the following error log:

pm2 launched in no-daemon mode (you can add DEBUG="*" env variable to get more messages)
[2018-04-17 18:38:16] PM2 log: Launching in no daemon mode
[2018-04-17 18:38:16] PM2 error: [PM2][ERROR] File process.json not found
[2018-04-17 18:38:16] PM2 log: ┌──────────┬────┬──────┬─────┬────────┬─────────┬────────┬─────┬─────┬──────┬──────────┐
│ App name │ id │ mode │ pid │ status │ restart │ uptime │ cpu │ mem │ user │ watching │
[2018-04-17 18:38:16] PM2 log:  Use `pm2 show <id|name>` to get more details about an app
[2018-04-17 18:38:16] PM2 log: [--no-daemon] Continue to stream logs
[2018-04-17 18:38:16] PM2 log: [--no-daemon] Exit on target PM2 exit pid=1

I looked into the container and found that /var/www is empty while as per Dockerfile it should be populated with released source code.

I believe this is because of volume mount on /var/www in docker-compose.yml. The directory on host machine is empty, mounting with that directory also makes the directory on container empty.

I am also facing this issue. The /var/www/cezerin folder is empty in the running container.