Multi-line strings are not being preserved properly
josephlewis42 opened this issue · 1 comments
josephlewis42 commented
I have a multi-line description in tile.yml
# <snip>
- name: compatibility
label: Compatibility
description: Legacy Compatibility Options
- name: gsb_compatibility_three_to_four
type: boolean
default: false
label: Compatibility with GCP Service Broker v3.X
description: |-
Enable compatibility with the GCP Service Broker v3.x.
Before version 4.0, each installation generated its own plan UUIDs, after 4.0 they have been standardized.
This option installs a compatibility layer which checks if a service is using the correct plan GUID.
If the service does not use the correct GUID, the request will fail with a message about how to upgrade.
configurable: true
When running tile build
I get the following:
DeprecationWarning: gcp_service_broker expected, got gcp-service-broker !!!
name: gcp-service-broker
label: Google Cloud Platform Service Broker
description: A service broker for Google Cloud Platform services
version: 4.0.3
sha1: False
stemcell: ubuntu-trusty 3586
bosh init-release
bosh generate-package gcp-service-broker
bosh add-blob /HOME/go/src/ gcp-service-broker/
bosh generate-package cf_cli
bosh add-blob /HOME/go/src/ cf_cli/cf-linux-amd64.tgz
bosh add-blob /HOME/go/src/ cf_cli/all_open.json
bosh generate-job deploy-all
bosh generate-job delete-all
bosh upload-blobs
/bin/sh: /tmp/_MEIc6lfPf/ no version information available (required by /bin/sh)
bosh create-release --force --final --tarball gcp-service-broker-4.0.3.tgz --version 4.0.3
Building a release from directory '/HOME/go/src/':
- Constructing jobs from manifest:
- Reading job from '/HOME/go/src/':
Collecting job files:
Unmarshalling job spec '/HOME/go/src/':
yaml: line 105: could not find expected ':'
- Reading job from '/HOME/go/src/':
Collecting job files:
Unmarshalling job spec '/HOME/go/src/':
yaml: line 105: could not find expected ':'
Exit code 1
This is caused by the multiline description not being handled correctly:
$ cat -n /HOME/go/src/
# snip
97 description: A comma delimited list of roles (minus the role/ prefix) that can be used when creating bound users for this service
98 gsb_service_google_spanner_whitelist:
99 description: A comma delimited list of roles (minus the role/ prefix) that can be used when creating bound users for this service
100 gsb_service_google_storage_whitelist:
101 description: A comma delimited list of roles (minus the role/ prefix) that can be used when creating bound users for this service
102 gsb_compatibility_three_to_four:
103 description: Enable compatibility with the GCP Service Broker v3.x.
104 Before version 4.0, each installation generated its own plan UUIDs, after 4.0 they have been standardized.
105 This option installs a compatibility layer which checks if a service is using the correct plan GUID.
106 If the service does not use the correct GUID, the request will fail with a message about how to upgrade.
107 bigtable_custom_plans:
108 description: bigtable_custom_plans
# snip
$ tile --version
tile version 12.0.7
$ bosh --version
version 5.1.1-a6a06002-2018-08-07T16:31:00Z
This can be fixed manually in the short term, but our tile forms are auto-generated because it helps reduce mistakes so it would be awesome to have this fixed or if nothing else have the field validated ahead of time.