Augmenting Dataset
EoinKenny opened this issue · 4 comments
EoinKenny commented
For anyone recreating this, the file should have this alteration to work correctly I think?
for i in range(len(folders)):
fd = folders[i]
tfd = '../../../../' + target_folders[i]
when before it was...
for i in range(len(folders)):
fd = folders[i]
tfd = target_folders[i]
smdabdoub commented
@EoinKenny Yes, thank you! Just ran into this.
Yung-zi commented
I tried this way. However, it didn't work. Could you please provide more information? Is your path the same as the author's? Thanks in advance.
EoinKenny commented
Strange it didn't work, yeah everything else in my experiment was the same as the repo. I would imagine the problem is your environment path or something like that. This should work I think. Sorry don't think I can help anymore than that.
SrishtiGautam commented
tfd = "../../"+target_folders[i]
works for me