This is an attempt to port some of our favorite sheer features over to Django.
Current status: sheerlike now lives in the cfgov-refresh repo:
There will be no further changes here.
Runs on: Django 1.8 and Python 2.7
It's our goal to respect the work that people have put into building sites for Sheer, but also avoid coloring too far outside the lines of how Django works.
Required changes
The biggest change is that the bundle of files that we were calling a "sheer site", is now best thought of as a set of templates for apps that should be defined in the proper Django form. cfgov-refresh describes many "apps" (blog, newsroom, activity feed, etc), while Owning a Home probably only describes one.
As stated in Two Scoops of Django 1.8:
"each app should be tightly focused on its task. If an app can’t be explained in a single sentence of moderate length, or you need to say ‘and’ more than once, it probably means the app is too big and should be broken up."
Sheer's URL routing goes away entirely. If a particular URL renders a particular template, it's because it was specified in a Django view. If a template presumes the existence of a "post" item on blog post detail, that object will have to be created in the Django view, and passed into the template context. We've provided a generic view that makes this pretty simple:
url(r'^blog/(?P<doc_id>[\w-]+)/$', SheerTemplateView.as_view(
), name='blog_detail'),
Almost all of the rest of the sheer machinery is still intact, though: you still have access to the global 'queries' object, and can still call functions like get_document and more_like_this.
Template tweaks
The Django request object has different properties and methods than the one available in Flask/sheer. We've added some helpers to support existing access patterns, but those should be considered deprecated.
Inline IF statements MUST have an else clause, otherwise the output is undefined
{% macro format_phone(number) %} {%- for char in number -%} {{- '(' if loop.index == 1 -}} {{ char }} {{- ') ' if loop.index == 3 -}} {{- '-' if loop.index == 6 -}} {%- endfor %} {% endmacro %}
{% macro format_phone(number) %} {%- for char in number -%} {{- '(' if loop.index == 1 else '' -}} {{ char }} {{- ') ' if loop.index == 3 else '' -}} {{- '-' if loop.index == 6 else '' -}} {%- endfor %} {% endmacro %}
API's and RSS Feeds
We will need to switch to native Django tools for such things.
See it in action
Want to test this out?
These instructions assume you have a local elasticsearch server, already populated by 'sheer index' as documented in the cfgov-refresh readme.
- Check out cfgov-django alongside cfgov-refresh.
- create a new virtualenv and pip install -r requirements.txt
- cd into the 'cfgov' directory, and run './ runserver'
You should then be able to see the site running on http://localhost:8000
Run the tests
Install tox and run the 'tox' command from a checkout of this repo.
- Look for opportunities to replace complicated template logic with python views
- Switch to Django Pagination