
[Story] Receive on-screen confirmation of submission

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Epic issue includes overview, complete list of user stories, technical and content requirements, user testing task ideation, and current design mock-ups.

User story

  • As a filer, after selecting "Save and Continue" from the Point of Contact confirmation page, I want to receive on-screen confirmation that the filing process has been completed, so that I know the filing process is complete.

Acceptance criteria

  • Given a filer has reached the Sign & Submit page, when they are notified that the filing platform flow has ended, then they will know the platform filing flow has been completed and that they can continue testing new files via resubmission

Technical tasks

Developers should create technical tasks and add links (below) prior to sprint planning.

Front end

  • Task (link)
  • Task (link)

Back end

  • Task (link)
  • Task (link)