
Create a python pex to distribute this on releases.

Closed this issue · 7 comments


This is so users don't need exact python dependencies installed locally which will simplify getting started and reduce the number of bug reports due to incorrect or conflicting dependencies.

@danharvey I have looked into pex and love the idea, but I could not get it to work with python 3.4, but will give it another go.

or maybe a binary then? pex seemed better if it works but I've never tried it.

@vaijab do you have any scripts you can add to build the pex? want to try it for OS X.

@danharvey try below:

$ mkvirtualenv --python=python3 stacks
$ pip install .
$ pex . -r <(pip freeze) --disable-cache --python-shebang='/usr/bin/env python3'  -o stacks.pex -c stacks

This needs to be added to travis-ci as part of tests.

@vaijab I think this is already implemented?

I think this is already implemented?
