
Easing properties are not correctly transpiled

cfuendev opened this issue · 2 comments

Wooo these bugs just keep coming in, don't they?

When trying out Goober's css tag/macro paired with Twimba to auto-generate classes (Which could help achieving support for modifiers, breakpoints and such), I stumbled upon this:


Now I realize that I've missed some custom properties like ead and eaf, which shouldn't be transformed to their longer name (i.e ease-all-duration and ease-all-function, respectively), but rather, to the css properties they represent (in this case, transition-all, transition-duration and transition-timing-function).

Done! Given the string:
The CSS output is:

This will be patched in Imba v0.3.2

However, I still have to test that two-letter shorthands (Whose values follow the duration | function? | delay? syntax) are not messed up in the output.

GUESS WHAT? I FINALLY FIXED IT. Some flag trickery, a bit of coffee, re-learning the inner workings of the compiler, some heavy debugging, and voilâ, two-letter shorthands are transpiled correctly!

Given the string:
The CSS output is:

I can finally release Imba v0.3.2. Thanks for your patience!