
class Response<T> .toString() probably should contain whole class fields

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Steps to Reproduce

Response class .toString()

Expected Result

As topic says, I'm getting some inner flutter Http error in post dio request.
Response variable in my code and in dio post() call guaranteed as nonNull,

but my log func call (RESPONSE: response.toString), prints "RESPONSE: null", which can be obfusticated.
Later I encounted that current dio toString() looks like this and returns only Generic object

  String toString() {
    if (data is Map) {
      // Log encoded maps for better readability.
      return json.encode(data);
    return data.toString();
      "RESPONSE: $response"
          .log(name: method, level: _getResponseLogLevel(response: response));
Response<dynamic> response = await App.dio
              data: FormData.fromMap(_queryParameters(queryParameters)),
              cancelToken: options.cancelToken)
        (e) async {
          return Response(
            requestOptions: RequestOptions(),
            statusCode: 400,
            statusMessage: e.toString(),

expected result

[log] 🧨[13:10:06]RESPONSE: Response{data: null, requestOptions: Instance of 'RequestOptions', statusCode: 400, statusMessage: DioException [unknown]: null
Error: HttpException: Connection closed before response was received, uri = <my_api_path>, headers: , isRedirect: false, redirects: [], extra: {}}

Actual Result

[log] 🧨[13:18:06][ERROR][cell/get] - RESPONSE: null

Response can have unexpected large size that affects the whole log thread and stuck the session. We have LogInterceptor that logs some types of response in a pretty format. And it should be easy to add your own interceptor to log responses with your own expectation.