
A request with an interceptor, which produces an error, makes the code stuck.

yehorh opened this issue · 11 comments







Output of flutter doctor -v

flutter doctor -v
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Dart Version


Steps to Reproduce

Here is a minimal example; I can't understand why the error isn't caught in any way, and everything that follows the request never executes.

tried on Android and macOS

import 'package:dio/dio.dart';

Future<void> main() async {
  final dio = Dio();


  try {
    final response = await dio.get('');
  } catch (e, st) {
    print('Unreachable code');

  print('Unreachable code too');

class InterceptorWithError extends Interceptor {
  Future<void> onRequest(
    RequestOptions options,
    RequestInterceptorHandler handler,
  ) async {
    throw Exception('some error');

  Future<void> onResponse(
    Response response,
    ResponseInterceptorHandler handler,
  ) async {;

  Future<void> onError(
    DioException err,
    ErrorInterceptorHandler handler,
  ) async {;

Expected Result

Errors from broken requests must be caught.

Actual Result

The program stops when executing a request, and the subsequent code becomes unreachable.

It seems I have broken the interface contract.
I have overridden synchronous functions with asynchronous functions.

The override_on_non_overriding_member lint hasn't helped me this time.

the same problem is happening with our project too.

We're currently experiencing the same issue using the following interactor to refresh an access token and retry the request, using Dio v5.4.3+1. The request never finishes executing and no exceptions are caught in the try/catch block.

try {
  final body = {...};
  final options = Options(extra: {'authenticated': true}, validateStatus: (status) => status == 200);
  final response = await'...', data: body, options: options);
  // We never get here
} on DioException catch (error, trace) {
  // We never get here
class AuthInterceptor extends Interceptor {
  final Dio _dio;
  final Future<String?> Function() _getAccessToken;

    required Dio dio,
    required Future<String?> Function() getAccessToken,
  })  : _dio = dio,
        _getAccessToken = getAccessToken;

  Future<void> onRequest(RequestOptions options, RequestInterceptorHandler handler) async {
    // If the request is not authenticated, continue without adding the Authorization header
    if (options.extra['authenticated'] == false) {

    // Try to retrieve a valid (non-expired) access token for the Authorization header.
    // If no token could be retrieved, we don't add the header.
    final String? accessToken = await _getAccessToken();
    if (accessToken != null) {
      options.headers['Authorization'] = 'Bearer $accessToken';

    // Continue request

  FutureOr<void> onError(DioException error, ErrorInterceptorHandler handler) async {
    final Response? response = error.response;

    // We're only interested in handling the 401 header here. Let other errors pass through.
    if (response == null || response.statusCode != 401) {

    final RequestOptions options = response.requestOptions;

    // If the request was already retried we back off and let the error pass through.
    if (options.extra['retried'] == true) {
      return; // also tried handler.reject(error) with same result

    // Add flag to indicate that we retried the request, to prevent infinite retries.
    options.extra['retried'] = true;

    // Retry the request. A refresh token will be added to the request in the [onRequest]
    // handler, when available.
    return handler.resolve(await _dio.fetch(options));


is this part from your code using the same _dio instance as the main app thread (final response = await'...', data: body, options: options);?

// Retry the request. A refresh token will be added to the request in the [onRequest]
// handler, when available.
return handler.resolve(await _dio.fetch(options));

for token interceptors it's better to use QueuedInterceptor and separate Dio instance which do retries, see