
Add support to show a specific view (tab on top of the lovelace interface)

johanvh83 opened this issue · 1 comments

Would it be possible to make a sensor to force fullykiosk to show a specific page ('view' from lovelace interface).
For example: I'm using now custom:state-switch lovelace cards to show/display cards.
When someone rings the doorbell, I show the camera for 1 minuit, then it disappears. Problem with this: the camera is shown in a picture entity, I prefer to have it full screen. To solve this I thought to have the camera in a view and force fullykiosk, based on a switch (helper / input_boolean).

This should be possible already with the load_url service. The different lovelace tabs look to update the URL in the browser (for example https:///lovelace/default_view or https:///lovelace/rooms) so in theory you'd jsut need that URL and add an action to the automations to call the load_url service for that.