Binary Greedy Meshing v2

Voxel meshing algorithm that creates large quads using extremely fast bitwise operations.

Version 2 is several times faster compared to version 1 thanks to contributions by:

Ethan Gore - Core V2 changes & Vertex Pulling rendering (Youtube Channel, Github)
Finding Fortune - Optimization and cleanup (Youtube Channel, Github)

Execution time for a single chunk typically ranges from 50us to 200us.
The chunks in the screenshot were meshed at an average of 74us single-threaded and 108us in a thread pool. (Ryzen 3800x).

Chunks with a maximum size of 64x64x64 are supported, including neighboring chunk data.

Check out the v1.0.0 branch for version 1 which supports baked AO.

How does it work?

Step 1 - Generate occupancy mask

The first step, which is performed outside the main meshing function, is to create a binary opaque/occupancy mask of the chunk. A 64x64 array of 64-bit integers is generated where 0 means air and 1 means an opaque voxel. This data can be saved and updated for future re-meshing. It's also useful for physics and raycasting.

The demo does this in two different ways:

  • World generation: src/misc/noise.h: generateTerrainV1
  • Chunk decompression (RLE): src/data/rle.h: decompressToVoxelsAndOpaqueMask

Step 2 - Generate face masks / hidden face culling

Bitwise operations are used to cull 64 faces at a time and create another data structure for visible faces. A 62x62 array of 64-bit masks is generated for each of the 6 faces. Each bit represents whether or not a face of a voxel faces air and should be visible.

Step 3 - Greedy face merging

The masks from step 2 are iterated for each face and merged into larger quads. Bitwise operations are used to merge 64 faces at a time and the original voxel types are looked up to check whether or not two voxel faces can be merged into one. Step 3 is divided into two separate algorithms because it operates on data on two different planes.

The vertices that are generated are 8 bytes per quad.
These are rendered using vertex pulling. The mesher can of course be modified to create 4/6 regular vertices per quad.

The first 4 bytes are packed like this: 6 bit x, 6 bit y, 6 bit z, 6 bit width, 6 bit height.
The last 4 bytes only utilize 8 bits for voxel type data.


The demo project ships with a fast renderer that uses vertex pulling. All chunks are rendered in one draw call using glMultiDrawElementsIndirect. Faces facing away from the camera are not rendered.


When the program is started, a 96x96 chunk (5952x5952 voxels) file is loaded from disk and meshed in a few seconds (multi-threaded).

Use these controls to fly around and swap between a few test/benchmark chunks. Meshing durations are printed to the console.

  • Noclip: WASD
  • Toggle wireframe: X
  • Regenerate test chunk: Spacebar
  • Cycle test mesh type: Tab

Demo setup example (Visual Studio)

> git clone --recursive
> cd binary-greedy-meshing
> mkdir build && cd build
> cmake .. -G "Visual Studio 17 2022"
> start binaryMesher.sln
> (Switch to Release Mode / RelWithDebInfo)

Other resources

Meshing in a minecraft game:

Vertex pulling