
icompare - compare entries in local directory with the contents of a remote iRods collection

Primary LanguageGo


icompare is a tool for comparing entries between local directory and remote iRods directory

It only looks at the file names, not size or checkusms. If there are differences, you get an output like this:

Oh no!! Here's the diff:
         ... // 9 identical elements
         {Name: "W05_filtered_L001_R1_001.fastq.gz"},
         {Name: "W06_filtered_L001_R1_001.fastq.gz"},
 -       {Name: "ZZ-test", IsDir: true},
         {Name: "mappingfile.tsv"},


$ icompare -h
Usage of ./icompare:
  -l string
        Local path
  -r string
        Remote path


$ icompare -l ./test -r /remote/irods/path/test

##requirements It needs is from irods-icommands.


  • make it work recursively