failed to connect with version 3.5.1 / 2.4.5 works
Closed this issue · 8 comments
have have the problem that the new version of the plugin i get this error failed to connect to ws://ip:8123/api/websocket
please help thanks
Hi, thanks for the awesome plugin.
Unfortunately it recently also stopped working for me with the same error message: "Failed to connect to ws://ip:8123/api/websocket" where ip is my internal ip. I can reach the webinterface in Firefox from the same machine. I restarted mac/elgato, tried to create a new token, etc. So far no luck getting the plugin to work again.
Because i have no idea of this i also tried opening the websocket in firefox to test general connection, which returns:
No WebSocket UPGRADE hdr: None
Can "Upgrade" only to "WebSocket".
I run on Mac/latest OS (Sequoia).
As the error message in the plugin is quite limited i dont know where to search for errors or debug this. Let me know if you have any directions :-)
there is a way to get more detailed logs. On MacOS it should work like this (can not test, because i do not own a mac device):
- Run the following command in the terminal. It enables debugging of the stream-deck application:
defaults write com.elgato.StreamDeck html_remote_debugging_enabled -bool YES
- Restart stream-deck application
- Point your browser to
- Select "PI" or "Plugin" to debug either Settings or the plugin itself. There, you have access to all log output and network activity:
PS. It seems that elgato has improved their Plugin API. When I find the time to migrate my plugin, it should be much easier to debug...
In the debug console I see:
WebSocket connection to 'ws://<my_ha_ip>:8123/api/websocket' failed: Error in connection establishment: net::ERR_ADDRESS_UNREACHABLE
From the command line on my Mac:
➜ ~ curl -vv "http://<my_ha_ip>:8123/api/websocket"
* Trying <my_ha_ip>:8123...
* Connected to <my_ha_ip> (<my_ha_ip>) port 8123
> GET /api/websocket HTTP/1.1
> Host: <my_ha_ip>:8123
> User-Agent: curl/8.7.1
> Accept: */*
* Request completely sent off
< HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
< Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
< Referrer-Policy: no-referrer
< X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff
< Server:
< X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN
< Content-Length: 66
< Date: Tue, 26 Nov 2024 01:06:17 GMT
No WebSocket UPGRADE hdr: None
* Connection #0 to host <my_ha_ip>left intact
Can "Upgrade" only to "WebSocket".%
I see the exact same problem on my machine. If I use wscat, it outputs this:
Connected (press CTRL+C to quit)
< {"type":"auth_required","ha_version":"2024.11.3"}
The connection itself works, but not with the streamdeck plugin.
Awesome, thanks for your efforts @zerowidth
I tracked this down to what appears to be a change in recent OS X security settings. On my system,
Elgato Stream Deck
was disallowed access to the local network, seeSystem Settings > Privacy and Security > Local Network
. Once I enabled it, the plugin works again.
Awesome, that worked for me. Thanks @zerowidth
Brilliant ! Many thanks @zerowidth, it was simple but I didn't think about it.