
Bug Report: Separator Issue in .localconfig/default

Kiddinglife opened this issue · 3 comments

in file .localconfig/default

export CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH="${CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH}:D:/cmake-init-master/thirdparty/qt5"

this does not work in windows got error running ./configure debug

I change separator from : to ;

export CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH="${CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH};D:/cmake-init-master/thirdparty/qt5"

It works !

It seems like you are using the configure scripts on a Windows file system. As these scripts are written using bash, their original intent is to get used on UNIXoid systems where directory paths are not allowed to contain a colon character.
Can you specify your setup? I think your intended compiler and the shell you want to use are important.

I don't see where this path "D:/cmake-init-master/thirdparty/qt5" would come from. It is not autogenerated by configure, so you must have added it yourself. The only thing included in the autogenerated files is an example that contains a path to where Qt might be found, you have to modify and adjust it yourself, so when using Windows you are of course required to change the separators from : to ;. So calling this a bug seems strange to me, as it is only an example line.

To make things clearer, we could add one example for Windows and one for unix systems, both deactivated ...

@scheibel: The setup is totally fine, I've used the configure script for years with Windows and git-bash, so this configure script it not really intended only for UNIX systems :)