cgpotts/cs224u error in collate_fn

maerory opened this issue · 3 comments


I have been trying to run the codes in the notebook. However, as I try to run the code that utilizes torch_model, I keep getting an error when I fit the model. How can I resolve this issue?

Thank you,


TypeError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-60-77ee602003f0> in <module>
      1 giga_ae = TorchAutoencoder(max_iter=1000,
      2                           hidden_dim=100,
----> 3                           eta=0.03).fit(giga5_svd500)

~/Downloads/Stanford-CS224U/codebase/ in fit(self, X)
    125         """
--> 126         super().fit(X, X)
    127         # Hidden representations:
    128         with torch.no_grad():

~/Downloads/Stanford-CS224U/codebase/ in fit(self, *args)
    351             epoch_error = 0.0
--> 353             for batch_num, batch in enumerate(dataloader, start=1):
    355                 batch = [, non_blocking=True) for x in batch]

/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/torch/utils/data/ in __next__(self)
    613         if self.num_workers == 0:  # same-process loading
    614             indices = next(self.sample_iter)  # may raise StopIteration
--> 615             batch = self.collate_fn([self.dataset[i] for i in indices])
    616             if self.pin_memory:
    617                 batch = pin_memory_batch(batch)

TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not callable

For some reason, it is working after some time.

@maerory Glad it worked out! If it happens again, do let me know!

@cgpotts Thank you for your concern! I am really enjoying this wonderful class.