
Could there be a requirements.txt?

Closed this issue · 3 comments

sck commented

pip3 freeze > requirements.txt

Would make running the code in one's own python environment a lot easier!

I've added a requirements file. Note that it's much cleaner than the freeze you'll get, but these should be everything you need to run a base example.
If you face any problems installing, please comment here!

Make sure you install libomp If you get python3.7/site-packages/treelite_runtime/lib/libtreelite_runtime.dylib Reason: image not found

sck commented

Thank you!

I can now run both:

python3.7 connect_four gbdt-1 human-1 5.0


python3.7 connect_four gbdt 10

in a newly setup python environment, after running pip3.7 install -r requirements.txt

Awesome! I didn't originally intend to share this so soon, so there will likely be issues/ugliness/etc. But if you're feeling brave I'm happy to answer questions and fix things when they come up until the code is more shareable/stable.