
VHS Effect?

Opened this issue · 8 comments

Can Olive adapt an effect like this, ?
I'm sorry, I know nothing about writing shaders, if I didn't know any better, I'd just copy and paste that code into an olive effect.

The effect you link to has multiple buffers and sound input. There is no way to implement that in Olive yet. Maybe when 2.0 comes out we will have to wait and see.

I didn't mean the music, the windows or the color pickers. All I wanted was the VHS distortion.

Maybe that wasn't a good example.
Could this one be any better, even though the first one had a better RGB split effect.

Will check it tonight

@emma-15 Done. Check Here

@BrimsonBhin This is amazing, thanks for the work!

@brimson how do i put in the vhs shader?

I'm gonna just take that if dat ok