
Android Application Programming class final exam

Primary LanguageJava


Project statement:

Since the introduction to this video can be so large when I record it as a whole, I separate the contents in 5 small parts

Also, I have the introduction to programming which are in 2 videos of the following links:

How to use this app:

Video Introduction and navigation:
When you open it, it will have the main activity which shows the video, this page could be skipped in 5 seconds and direct to the bird info page. If not skipped, it will stay.
When we are in the bird info page activity, click “Home”to go back.

Select the birds:
Then in the second activity, there will be a spinner for the user to select one bird from, and also the text below will automatically show the group to which the birds belong to.
Audio and image display:

Click the “Display” button to hear the voice of speech and see the picture to display, there is another spinner to select the language from, English, German, French are the choices, when click “Display” again, different languages will be spoken and different images will be shown.

CRUD in database:
After selecting bird from the spinner, adding the quality of sighting inside, the edit text view, (notes are optional), when you click the button “Add”, then it generates one row of output on the button of the screen; it can be scrolled down and all rows will be shown on the click “View”; when we want to update it, we select the data with spinner and set the quality of sighting, then we insert the row id we want to update,a click of “Update” will do,and after clicking another “view” we can see the change;

Find a new bird:
We just click the “Report a new bird” button to open up a new activity to send the text message to a specific number, in this case, it’s 123456789.

GUI and background:
The background was set to a picture for the home page and the bird info, and the layout was set to mostly Linear layout.