• Make bootable usb with the latest iso

A small summary:

If needed, load your keymap Refresh the servers with pacman -Syy Partition the disk Format the partitions Mount the partitions Install the base packages into /mnt (pacstrap /mnt base linux linux-firmware git vim intel-ucode (or amd-ucode)) Generate the FSTAB file with genfstab -U /mnt >> /mnt/etc/FSTAB Chroot in with arch-chroot /mnt Download the git repository with git clone https://gitlab.com/eflinux/arch-basic cd arch-basic chmod +x install-uefi.sh run with ./install-uefi.sh

< Custom key mappings >

Insert your preferred key mappings here.

unmap / unmap f unmap t

map H previousTab map J goBack map K goForward map L nextTab

map scrollPageUp map scrollPageDown map F LinkHints.activateMode map s LinkHints.activateMode