
apko_image requires network access

Opened this issue · 1 comments

Building apko_image targets fails when the host platform blocks network access.

For example, this action command fails:

external/rules_apko~~apko~apko_linux_amd64/apko                                           \
  build                                                                                   \
  infrastructure/buildkite/agent/apko.yaml                                                \
  unused:unused                                                                           \
  bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/infrastructure/buildkite/agent/base_image                    \
  --vcs=false                                                                             \
  --lockfile=external/rules_apko~~apko~buildkite_agent_base_image/lockfile_copy           \
  --cache-dir=bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/infrastructure/buildkite/agent/cache_base_image  \

with this error log: action_log.txt.

Should the action be tagged as requires-network? Or would it be possible for the command to be patched in order to operate fully offline? I see the command passes --offline, suggesting the latter might be the intent.

Bazel version: 7.1.1
rules_apko version: 1.2.3

Could you share more data?

  • MVP of apko.yaml configuration file
  • exact apko_image and translate_apko_lock declarations