
V2.2 - Add training materials (TM) into search engine and improve User search capability

Closed this issue · 3 comments

use case:

  1. add search engine option to select "training materials", and customers shall see links and summary and title in the similar expereice

Components interface:

  1. Data uploader
    IFC: Python program

    Input: Database (materials)
    Output: Into extractor folder as file (a comma separated csv file)

  2. Extractror
    Input : 0 output
    Output: JSON file for indexing with fields:
    - Title
    - date (optional)
    - Summary
    - Search Content
    - Url
    - type
    - subtype

  3. Search engine
    Input: JSON (1)
    Output: Available indexing and TM API (TBD)

  4. UI
    Input: Search API (2), fileter (type, subtype) with keyword in box
    Output: the list in UI (title, summary, links, type, subtype)

Assign to kevin.

This was supposed going to Kevin, but his github is not available.

Any udate?