A beautiful git diff page
zTrix opened this issue · 16 comments
Current diff page is tooooooo simple!
what you mean by simple? need any more features or just optimize UI?
A more user-friendly git diff page, like gitlab or github, with color support, line number, single file view/split view.
got it
Highlight completed.
- line number
- single file view/split view
https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jay/showlinenum/develop/showlinenum.awk here is a sample of adding line number, yet it needs shell so it is not a good solution. We might have to modify the git2go package.
Emm, don't use shell and awk...
found XSS vulnerability in diff page
But we do not have a account system.. 2333
BTW, what's the vulnerability you found?
Both "line number" and "single file view/split view" features needs to modify backend, libgit2
How does gitlab/gogs/gitup implement the diff function?
gitlab: generated by backend
gogs: generated by backend
code from gogs
invoke Process and call git seems totaly not safe yet the only solution...
how does Reviewable generate the diff page?
open source?
I don't think so. But it seems to be generating diff on front end.
with diff2html