
中文文档翻译 《寻找贡献者》

codebender828 opened this issue · 7 comments

当前的Chakra UI文档仅以英语发布。

为了使Chakra UI对**的开发社区可访问,最好将文档翻译成中文。


Hi Jonathan. Actually, I am using the chakra-ui(react) right now... but I would like to help for the chinese document.

Hi, @lidachao111222 ! Thank you so much. Looking forward to working with you! I have a few ideas for the Chinese docs, but I'd like to be able to hear what your thoughts are on how to proceed with this! Would you be open to a call on Discord/Zoom. Even for 30 minutes would be nice to establish a course of action.

The reason would be to find a way to minimize the amount of work duplication going on between the English and Chinese docs pages :) What do you think?

Hi, @codebender828 . Sure. What about weekend? Sorry, I am kind of busy because of my job.

@codebender828 Hey Jonathan, my friend @lidachao111222 sent me here. I am down for a meeting as well. Let me know what time works for both of you. I would prefer sometime in the late morning / early afternoon Beijing Time, which is evening time for me in central Canada. Talk soon and stay safe!

Hey @lidachao111222 & @tian-xia2 !

Thanks guys for the response! No worries. I'm happy to chat during the weekend. I have some time on Saturday morning 11:00am, Beijing time. Would that be a good time for us to chat?

Let's finalize the time on Discord! ->!

For the record, please check #204 for the ongoing progress of this PR, as well as how to contribute!

Hi @codebender828 , is this issue still need help? I'm a student from China and I'm glad to help with this.