
Geometry Library

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srush commented

I looked at a couple of Geometry libraries today to see if we could pull that part out of chalk. My conclusion is that the best one to use would be Planar.

It's a weird choice, because it is unsupported, and hasn't been updated since 2011. However, I found it because it is where our Affine class comes from which I really like.

Benefits of Planar:

  • Simple API that looks like what you built.
  • Optionally has a C implementation
  • Very similar vector, segments, polygons, bounding boxes to what we have.
  • Additional functionality for convex hulls etc.
  • Has a fast Vec2Array class that we could use for long path/trails.
  • Includes Affine.


  • No support for circles, arcs
  • On pip and works, but not currently supported (but how much has 2d geometry changed in 10 years)