
combining multiple css files into one

Closed this issue · 6 comments

does it has option to combine multiple css files into one?

also combining multiple js files into single js file?


I'm not sure about what you're trying to do, but isn't that what you can achieve with Sass's @import rule?

JavaScript also has a similar feature: import statement.

lets say,
i want to include a.css, b.css, c.css in every page, instead of that, i want to combine them into final.css

i.e. concatination

is that possible?


In cases where you need to combine text files, you can use the gulp-concat package.

i mostly need to combine css and js files.

Yes, since they are also text files, the plugin can handle them. Use it in your styles and scripts tasks as you like.

However, it seems that your problem can also solve with Nunjucks' extends or include.

nunjucks extends, include purpose is different imo.

i will try with gulp-concat.
